The ENGLISH KILLS PROJECT will present a new talk and workshop at Sunview Luncheonette on July 14th, Thursday at 7pm. The EKP announces a new collaboration with the Newtown Creek Alliance to fabricate a floating bio-remediation experiment in English Kills. This new project is based on the NCA’s Living Dock in North Henry Street, Greenpoint. An EKP island wetland will test the viability of a hydroponic system with saltmarsh and ribbed mussels to English Kills.
The EKP talk includes time for participants to draw designs for constructed wetlands and public access on design templates. Attendees will learn about the discovery of new mussel colonies and the existence of a natural spring in English Kills located in the Bushwick/East Williamsburg neighborhood. Videos reveal egrets, ducks, geese, killifish, shrimp and mussel ecosystems that exist in the most polluted waterway in New York City.
WHERE: Sunview Luncheonette
221 Nassau Ave.
Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY 11222
HOW: G train to Nassau Ave., 9 blocks to corner of Henry Street
WHEN: Thursday, July 14th, 7pm